
the Art Work

Framed Fine Art Prints

All of our fine art prints are made from Hahnemuhle fine art natural cotton paper, displaying the fine texture of a thick, pastel paper with color guaranteed for over 100 years. We offer high-end frame choices with custom installation included with your purchase. Our goal is to fill your walls with beautiful portraits that you can enjoy for many days and years to come.

the Heirloom Album

Our Heirloom Albums are handmade and bound with your choice of all natural linens or high-end leathers.

The Heirloom Album features your session

in a beautiful, storybook keepsake on the finest matte photo paper.

Albums are a perfect place to keep your images to be able to revisit and enjoy day after day.

Gift Prints

We offer sets of 5x7 gift prints in a

deep matte finish, featuring rich colors, beautiful tones, and a dreamy fine art feel

without the fine art price tag, complete with our signature gold and glass keepsake box.

This print set makes a perfect gift to mamas or grandparents,

or use it as a gorgeous, unique way to display your prints around your home.

Digital Images

For those that love to do-it-yourself, all of your high-resolution digital images

on a personalized flash drive for you to enjoy. With the purchase of the digital

images, you'll also receive your gallery of beautiful proof prints in gold and glass keepsake box for reference.

KBG Photography specializes in maternity, newborn, baby, and family photography in the Atlanta area, including Marietta, Vinings, Buckhead, Midtown, Smyrna, Kennesaw, Roswell, and Alpharetta.





Serving the Atlanta, Georgia area, including Marietta, Buckhead, Midtown, Vinings, Smyrna, Kennesaw, Roswell, and Alpharetta.

kbg photography

atlanta, georgia

Serving the Atlanta, Georgia area, including Marietta, Buckhead, Midtown, Vinings, Smyrna, Kennesaw, Roswell, and Alpharetta.